About Us
Judy Castillo Marshall
Judy’s extensive Real Estate background spans over four decades of working in the industry. Beginning in escrow in 1978, Judy earned the professional designation of Certified Escrow Officer by the California Escrow Association. She subsequently was licensed with one of the largest California Independent Escrow Companies as a Certified Escrow Manager. After 17 years in both the escrow and title arenas, Judy went on to obtain her California Real Estate Broker license and later opened a Real Estate Brokerage and Mortgage Company. During her career, Judy has obtained numerous professional designations, licenses and accolades within the industry. She is a lifetime resident of San Diego’s North County and resides in Oceanside with her husband, Robert.
Zach Pellegrini
Officer Manager
Zach is a local resident graduating from Vista High School in 2013. He went on to earn his Audio Engineering Certification from MediaTech Institute where he graduated at top of his class. Joining IN A PINCH in 2016, Zach has honed his skills in both title research and title transfer. He obtained his California Notary Public Commission in 2017 and has completed well over one thousand notaries during his employment with IN A PINCH. Zach is an avid off-road enthusiast and lives in North County with his black and yellow labs, Cody, Bella and Dakota.
California Real Estate Broker
Broker #01181186, Expires January 3, 2028
Registered Legal Document Assistant
Bonded & Registered in San Diego County
Registration #NC48, Expires October 25, 2026
California Association of Legal Document Assistants Member
North San Diego County Association of Realtors Board Member